- What is Tannin Smoothing?

Tannin smoothing, in other words "Taninoplasty" is a hair treatment created in Brazil. This treatment technique will guarantee you smooth hair up to 100%, for a period of 3 to 5 months.
This smoothing is mainly composed of TANNIN , a substance of plant origin found in trees, flowering plants and the skins of grapes. Tannin is used by these plants as a defense against chemical attack. It therefore has medicinal properties for preserving and healing certain diseases thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties. This also applies to our hair.
Since Tannin smoothing is based on natural ingredients, it lasts less than Brazilian or Japanese straightening. After the past 5 months, you will therefore find the nature of your hair.
This smoothing is WITHOUT formalin or ANY derivative.
Who is this smoothing intended for?
Tanin smoothing is suitable for all types of hair: bleached, colored, permed, relaxed, curly, damaged and already straightened.
However, it is important to space a few days between the different techniques.
What do we do next?
It is essential to respect a few rules to make Tannin smoothing last ...
First of all, to maintain the shine and softness of the hair, avoid washing it during the (2-3 days) following the treatment and straighten your hair to fix the product.
Then, during the smoothing period (3-5 months) it is important to use a shampoo and a mask devoid of sulfates and silicones . The absence of these ingredients will allow the smoothing to last longer.
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